Course reading the cards in only 4 days

A course reading the cards with the cards of Madame Lenormand gives you the possibility to look into the future after only some days.

Madame Lenormand was a French lady who was famous as a fortune teller between 1772 and 1843 because she gave advice to Napoleon Bonaparte and other famous people. She developed 36 cards whose pictures are interpreted the way she did.
In a course “reading the cards” like Madame Lenormand, you don´t have to be a psychic to know card reading, because you work with your intuition (but a course in training of the intuition before is necessary). After a course reading the cards, your friends and relatives will love to volunteer when you did the course.
It´s fascinating when we read the cards for each other.

Price for the course:
4 days course

500 euros including the cards and VAT.