Course reading the cards in only 4 days
A course reading the cards like Madame Lenormand gives you the possibility to become your own fortune-teller and get many answers about many things in your life.
Madame Lenormand was a French lady who was famous as a fortune teller between 1772 and 1843 because she gave advice to Napoleon Bonaparte and other famous people. She developed 36 cards whose pictures are interpreted the way she did.
In a course “reading the cards” like Madame Lenormand, you don´t have to be a psychic to know card reading, because you work with your intuition (but a course in training of the intuition before is necessary). After a course reading the cards, your friends and relatives will love to volunteer when you did the course.
It´s fascinating when we read the cards for each other.

You can come one week to Sweden, Tenerife (in the winter season) or Sardinia (in the summer season). During this week, you do the course “reading the cards like Madame Lenormand” and in the afternoon you do an interesting leisure-program which is different in every country. You can read more about the leisure program in the retreat Sweden, retreat Tenerife or retreat Sardinia.
Price for one week is 1.500 euro including the course (16 lessons a 45 minutes), accomodation in double-room (if you book in 2 persons), half-board, leisure-program. Single-room-supplement 150 euro per week, fullboard-supplement 150 euro per week.